Source code for energym.envs.env_fmu

import os
import math
import shutil
import time
import collections
from pathlib import Path
import logging
import uuid

import numpy as np
from fmpy.fmi1 import FMU1Slave, FMU1Model
from fmpy.fmi2 import FMU2Slave, FMU2Model
from fmpy import read_model_description, extract

from energym.envs.env import Env
from import EPW, MOS
from energym.envs.utils.kpi import KPI
from energym.spaces.dict import Dict
from energym.spaces.discrete import Discrete
from import Box

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EnvFMU(Env): """The FMU base class for Energym. It encapsulates an environment whose simulation is performed in an FMU. The methods step(), reset() and close() from Env are implemented here. Attributes ---------- fmu_file : str Full path to the FMU file model_description : fmpy ModelDescription object Encapsulated description of the model extracted from the FMU using FMPy inspection methods fmi_version : str Version number of FMI, inspected inside the FMU. Should be '1.0' or '2.0' step_size : int or double Simulation stepsize in seconds. Int for EnergyPlus, double for Modelica weather : str Indicates the used weather profile is_fmu_initialized : bool Flags the FMU initialization process vrs : dict Contains the variable names and their references fmi_type : str The simulation type as speified by the FMU, either 'cosim' or 'modex' start_time : int Start of simulation time in seconds stop_time : int End of simulation time in seconds kpis : KPI object To track the KPI relevant metrics input_space : dict Contains controllable input variables output_space : dict Contains output variables observation_history : list Collects all observations of one simulation unzipdir : str Directory for extracting the FMU fmu : FMU1Slave or FMU2Slave or FMU1Model or FMU2Model Simulation object time : int or double Current simulation time (int for EnergyPlus, double for Modelica) Methods ------- initialize() Initializes simulation object. __build_input_space(input_specs) Collects the inputs from the simulation object. __build_output_space(output_specs) Collects the outputs from the simulation object. __initialize_fmu() Initializes the FMU after instantiation. get_inputs_names() Retrieves list of inputs from model description. get_outputs_names() Retrieves list of outputs from model description. get_date() Gets the current simulation time. step(inputs=None) Advances the simulation one timestep. print_kpis() Prints the KPIs. get_kpi(start_ind=0, end_ind=-1) Retrieves the KPIs. get_cumulative_kpi(phrase, kpi_type, out_type) Retrieves the cumulative KPIs over multiple variables. sample_random_action() Samples random actions from the action space. get_forecast(forecast_length = 24, **kwargs) Generates a weather forecast of a given length. look_for_weather_file(name = None) Finds a weather file in the FMU. post_process(list_rel_out, res, arrays=False) Post-process output of FMPY. reset() Resets the simulation. close() Terminates the FMU and removes leftover folders. """ def __init__( self, model_path, start_time, stop_time, step_size, weather=None, input_specs=None, output_specs=None, kpi_options=None, default_path=True, weather_file_path=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- model_path: str Path to the fmu model file, relative inside the simulation folder start_time: int Begin of the simulation time in seconds in relation to the beginning of the year stop_time: int End of the simulation time in seconds in relation to the beginning of the year step_size: double Step size in second. May be chosen freely for some models (modelica), or needs to be identical to model step size in other cases (EnergyPlus) weather : EPW or MOS, optional Specifies the used weather file, by default None input_specs : dict, optional Contains the model inputs, by default None output_specs : dict, optional Contains the model outputs, by default None kpi_options : dict, optional Dict to specify the tracked KPIs, by default None default_path : bool Whether to use the deault path or an absolute path in model_path Raises ------ ValueError If the FMU supprts neither co-simulation nor model exchange """ super().__init__() if default_path: self.fmu_file = self.energym_path / "simulation" / model_path else: self.fmu_file = model_path self.model_description = read_model_description(self.fmu_file) self.step_size = step_size = weather self.weather_file_path = weather_file_path self.is_fmu_initialized = False # Extract variables references self.vrs = {} for variable in self.model_description.modelVariables: self.vrs[] = variable.valueReference # detect fmi_version self.fmi_version = self.model_description.fmiVersion # detect FMI type if self.model_description.coSimulation is not None: self.fmi_type = "cosim" elif self.model_description.modelExchange is not None: self.fmi_type = "modex" else: raise ValueError("the type of FMU could not be identified") # extract the FMU self.start_time = start_time self.stop_time = stop_time self.input_specs = input_specs # Fix inputs and outputs keys if output_specs is not None: self.output_keys = sorted( [ for p in self.model_description.modelVariables if in list(output_specs.keys()) ] ) self.__build_output_space(output_specs) else: self.output_keys = sorted( [ for p in self.model_description.modelVariables if p.causality == "output" ] ) if input_specs is not None: self.input_keys = sorted( [ for p in self.model_description.modelVariables if in list(input_specs.keys()) ] ) self.__build_input_space(input_specs) else: self.input_keys = sorted( [ for p in self.model_description.modelVariables if p.causality == "input" ] ) self.kpis = KPI(kpi_options) # # initialize FMU and spaces self.initialize() def __build_input_space(self, input_specs): """Collects the inputs from the simulation object. The inputs have to be contained in input_specs but not every key of the two needs to be an input to the specific model. Parameters ---------- input_specs : dict Contains possible control inputs from the model. """ input_array = self.get_inputs_names() input_space_list = [] for act_name in input_array: if act_name in input_specs: act_specs = input_specs[act_name] if act_specs["type"] == "scalar": input_space_list += [ ( act_name, Box( low=act_specs["lower_bound"], high=act_specs["upper_bound"], shape=[1], dtype=np.float32, ), ) ] elif act_specs["type"] == "discrete": input_space_list += [(act_name, Discrete(act_specs["size"]))] else: raise TypeError("Wrong type in INPUT_SPECS.") else: raise ValueError("Undefined Input {}".format(act_name)) self.input_space = Dict(spaces=input_space_list) def __build_output_space(self, output_specs): """Collects the outputs from the simulation object. The outputs have to be contained in output_specs, but not every key needs to be an output to the specific model. Parameters ---------- output_specs : dict Contains possible outputs from the model. """ output_array = self.get_outputs_names() output_space_list = [] for obs_name in output_array: obs_specs = output_specs[obs_name] if obs_specs["type"] == "scalar": output_space_list += [ ( obs_name, Box( low=obs_specs["lower_bound"], high=obs_specs["upper_bound"], shape=[1], dtype=np.float32, ), ) ] elif obs_specs["type"] == "discrete": output_space_list += [(obs_name, Discrete(obs_specs["size"]))] self.output_space = Dict(spaces=output_space_list) self.observation_history = [] def __initialize_fmu(self): """Initializes the FMU after instantiation.""" if self.fmi_version == "1.0": self.fmu.initialize(tStart=self.start_time, stopTime=self.stop_time) elif self.fmi_version == "2.0": self.fmu.enterInitializationMode() self.fmu.exitInitializationMode() self.is_fmu_initialized = True
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initializes simulation object. Instantiates FMPy FMUSalve1 or FMUSlave2 object based on FMI version detected. """ init_time = str(time.time())[0:10] random_id = str(uuid.uuid4().fields[-1])[:7] fmu_path = os.path.join(self.runs_path, init_time + "_" + random_id) os.mkdir(fmu_path) self.unzipdir = extract(self.fmu_file, unzipdir=fmu_path) weather_folder = Path(self.unzipdir) / "resources" possible_weather_files = list(weather_folder.rglob("*.mos")) + list( weather_folder.rglob("*.epw") ) weather_default_file_path = weather_folder / possible_weather_files[0] try: os.remove(weather_default_file_path) shutil.copy(self.weather_file_path, weather_default_file_path) except BaseException as e: logging.error(e) logging.error("Problem with the weather file handling") # initialize instance_name = "instance" + init_time # model identifier if self.fmi_type == "modex": model_id = self.model_description.modelExchange.modelIdentifier else: model_id = self.model_description.coSimulation.modelIdentifier kwargs = dict( guid=self.model_description.guid, unzipDirectory=self.unzipdir, modelIdentifier=model_id, instanceName=instance_name, ) if self.fmi_version == "1.0": if self.fmi_type == "cosim": self.fmu = FMU1Slave(**kwargs) else: self.fmu = FMU1Model(**kwargs) elif self.fmi_version == "2.0": if self.fmi_type == "cosim": self.fmu = FMU2Slave(**kwargs) else: self.fmu = FMU2Model(**kwargs) self.fmu.instantiate(loggingOn=True) if self.fmi_version == "2.0": self.fmu.setupExperiment(startTime=self.start_time, stopTime=self.stop_time) # Initialize time and the last_output values self.time = self.start_time
[docs] def get_inputs_names(self): """Retrieves list of inputs from model description. Returns ------- input_keys : list of str List with input names. """ return self.input_keys
[docs] def get_outputs_names(self): """Retrieves list of outputs from model description. Returns ------- output_keys : list of str Variable names that specify outputs. """ return self.output_keys # res
[docs] def get_date(self): """Gets the current simulation time. Returns ------- int Minutes of the current simulation time int Hours of the current simulation time int Day of the current simulation time int Month of the current simulation time """ time_tuple = (2013, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0) base_time = time.mktime(time_tuple) date = time.localtime(base_time + self.time) return date[4], date[3], date[2], date[1]
[docs] def step(self, inputs=None): """Advances the simulation one timestep. Applies input for current step, simulate the system in FMU and retrieves outputs. Parameters ---------- inputs: dict Inputs for the system. Keys are input names, values are iterables of input values. If not defined, assumes no inputs required. Returns ---------- outputs: dict Outputs for the system. """ if inputs is None: inputs = {} # Initializes FMU is not already if not self.is_fmu_initialized: self.__initialize_fmu() # Inputs is a dictionary of arrays res = [] # simulation loop if bool(inputs): inp_keys = sorted(list(inputs.keys())) n_steps = len(inputs[inp_keys[0]]) non_inp_keys = set(self.input_keys) - set(list(inputs)) else: n_steps = 1 inp_keys = [] non_inp_keys = self.input_keys for p in range(n_steps): key_list = [] input_list = [] for key in inp_keys: key_list.append(self.vrs[key]) input_list.append(inputs[key][p]) for key in non_inp_keys: key_list.append(self.vrs[key]) input_list.append(self.input_specs[key]["default"]) self.fmu.setReal( key_list, input_list, ) # perform one step self.fmu.doStep( currentCommunicationPoint=self.time, communicationStepSize=self.step_size, ) # get the values out_values = self.fmu.getReal([self.vrs[key] for key in self.output_keys]) # advance the time self.time += self.step_size # append the results res.append((self.time, out_values)) output = self.post_process(self.output_keys, res, arrays=False) self.kpis.add_observation(output) return output
[docs] def print_kpis(self): """Prints the KPIs.""" kpi_summary = self.get_kpi() for key in kpi_summary: print( "####################################################################" ) kpi_name = kpi_summary[key]["name"] kpi_type = kpi_summary[key]["type"] kpi_val = kpi_summary[key]["kpi"] print( "Variable name: {}, kpi type: {}, kpi value: {}".format( kpi_name, kpi_type, kpi_val ) )
[docs] def get_kpi(self, start_ind=0, end_ind=-1): """Retrieves the KPIs. For implementation details see the KPI class. Parameters ---------- start_ind : int, optional Index from where the KPI computation starts, by default 0 end_ind: int, optional Index where the KPI computation ends, by default -1 Returns ------- kpi_summary : dict Dict containing all the tracked variables and their KPIs. """ return self.kpis.get_kpi(start_ind, end_ind)
[docs] def get_cumulative_kpi(self, names, kpi_type, out_type): """Retrieves the cumulative KPIs over multiple variables. For implementation details see the KPI class. Parameters ---------- names : list or str List of variable names or common string to filter the variables. kpi_type : str One of the 4 KPI types to filter the variables. out_type : str Cumulative KPI type ("avg" or "sum"). Returns ------- float or int The computed KPI. """ return self.kpis.get_cumulative_kpi(names, kpi_type, out_type)
[docs] def sample_random_action(self): """Samples random actions from the action space. Returns ------- dict Inputs with random values, within a specified range """ action = self.input_space.sample() return dict(list(action.items()))
[docs] def get_forecast(self, forecast_length=24): """Generates a weather forecast of a given length. Parameters ---------- forecast_length : int, optional Number of timesteps that will be forecasted, by default 24 Returns ------- forecast : dict Forecasted values for default keys or ones specified in kwargs """ time_resolution = self.step_size / 60 hourly_steps = int(60 / time_resolution) tot_length = math.ceil(forecast_length / hourly_steps) + 2 start_index = 0 forecast = {} if isinstance(, EPW): minute, hour, day, month = self.get_date() start_index = int(minute / time_resolution) forecast =, day, month, tot_length) elif isinstance(, MOS): res = self.time % 3600 start_index = int(res / self.step_size) forecast = - res, forecast_length) forecast = self._interpolate_forecast(forecast, hourly_steps) for key in forecast: forecast[key] = forecast[key][start_index : forecast_length + start_index] return forecast
def _interpolate_forecast(self, forecast, hourly_steps): for key in forecast: mod_list = forecast[key] new_list = [] for i in range(len(mod_list) - 1): for j in range(hourly_steps): weight = j / hourly_steps new_list.append( (1 - weight) * mod_list[i] + weight * mod_list[i + 1] ) new_list.append(mod_list[len(mod_list) - 1]) forecast[key] = new_list return forecast
[docs] def look_for_weather_file( self, name=None, generate_forecasts=True, generate_forecast_method="perfect", generate_forecast_keys=None, ): """Finds a weather file in the FMU. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of weather file Raises ------ Exception If no weather file/more than one weather file is found or the file has a wrong type """ weather_folder = Path(self.unzipdir) / "resources" if name is None: possible_weather_files = list(weather_folder.rglob("*.mos")) + list( weather_folder.rglob("*.epw") ) else: possible_weather_files = list(weather_folder.rglob(name)) if len(possible_weather_files) == 0: raise Exception("No weather file found in FMU") elif len(possible_weather_files) > 1: raise Exception( "Found more than one weather file: {}. specify a name to select one.".format( possible_weather_files ) ) else: wf = weather_folder / possible_weather_files[0] if wf.suffix == ".mos": = MOS() wf, generate_forecasts, generate_forecast_method, generate_forecast_keys, ) elif wf.suffix == ".epw": = EPW() wf, generate_forecasts, generate_forecast_method, generate_forecast_keys, ) else: raise Exception( "File {} cannot be interpreted as a weather file".format(wf) )
[docs] def post_process(self, list_rel_out, res, arrays=False): """Post-process output of FMPY. Parameters ---------- list_rel_out : list of str Output labels res : list Output of doStep FMPy method arrays : bool, optional If True, array output in processed structure, default is False Returns ------- dic_res: collections.OrderedDict Dictionary with values of output for each key """ N = len(res) dic_res = collections.OrderedDict() position = {e: i for i, e in enumerate(list_rel_out)} # Store time if arrays: dic_res["time"] = [] for key in list_rel_out: dic_res[key] = [] for p in range(N): for key in list_rel_out: if arrays: dic_res[key] += [res[p][1][position[key]]] else: dic_res[key] = res[p][1][position[key]] if arrays: dic_res["time"] += [res[p][0]] else: dic_res["time"] = res[p][0] if arrays: for key in dic_res: dic_res[key] = np.asarray(dic_res[key]).flatten() return dic_res
[docs] def reset(self): """Resets the simulation.""" self.close() self.kpis.reset() self.initialize()
[docs] def close(self, save=True): """Terminates the FMU and removes leftover folders.""" instance_name = self.fmu.instanceName self.fmu.terminate() self.fmu.freeInstance() self.is_fmu_initialized = False try: shutil.rmtree(self.unzipdir) except PermissionError as e: logger.error(f"Folder could not be removed. {e}") cwd = os.getcwd() wd_sub_list = os.listdir(cwd) if save: for directory in wd_sub_list: if instance_name in directory: try: shutil.move( os.path.join(cwd, directory), os.path.join(self.runs_path, directory), ) except PermissionError as e: logger.error(f"Folder could not be moved. {e}") else: for directory in wd_sub_list: if instance_name in directory: try: shutil.rmtree( os.path.join(cwd, directory), ) except PermissionError as e: logger.error(f"Folder could not be removed. {e}")